
- Fixed avatar lighting: avatars have more depth again, are slightly darker, emissions are more visible and reflections don't show up completely white anymore. Ty for testing @Kamizhou and @MinzLeaf!

- Enabling desktop output as a desktop user now switches you to a tiny invisible avatar and puts you inside of the camera drone or the handheld camera depending on which is active. The desktop account used to be frozen in the middle of the room but by moving it with the camera we can get better IK and correct directional audio.

- Adapted keyboard shortcuts to not conflict with the new VRChat chatbox feature:

Press **ALT+H** to enter the Director mode. (useful if you're in VR, AFKing at your desk and you want a cool view of the world)

Press **ALT+G** to repair the videoplayer.

Ty for pointing this out @EinGamer22!

- Added 4 times as many zoom adjustment levels on the handheld cam, testing showed that we needed to be able to zoom further and with more precision.

- Added the VRDancing Camera Drone as an avatar. You automatically switch to this when you exit the director as a desktop user to prevent you from staying invisible.

- Potential fix for a bug where the handheld cam would sometimes reset when a new player joined.

- Added a new tag for the channel bake! Lots of fun JPOP choreographies!

- General UI colour improvements.

- Improved dancing pole materials.

- Fixed VRChat menu showing up in mirrors ||vrc pls stop stealth changing your renderlayers oh my god||

- More Marshallthon prep.

- Security updates.

- Updated quoteslist, credits, Patreon bench.

- HUGE database update! @megumi added 312 new videos! Lots of new JPOP choreos, tons of 1MIL choreos and we now have all choreos from Golfy! @MinzLeaf updated a lot of Just Dance entries with higher quality videos! We're almost at 8k! Thank you all for your work and thank you @Silentt. for maintaining our CDN!



