
Heyaaa! This is a big one! I added a new handheld camera which has tons of content creation and meme potential! Lots of additional and improved visuals in the world some of which will be revealed very soon! And a lot of funky Marshallthon features so be sure to attend and don't miss out! :D

- Added a handheld camera!

- This can be enabled in the Director panel.

- There is a preview panel on the camera itself so you can see what you are filming.

- Press trigger while holding the camera to toggle the camera on/off. When turned off the director reverts back to the previous stationary camera.

- The camera can be zoomed in and out smoothly by moving the right joystick up/down. (Zoom is unavailable on desktop)

- The camera position has an additional layer of smoothing to ensure it looks good even if the network lags.

- A LED at the front of the handheld camera indicates whether it is on.

- There's a button to respawn the camera at the director panel, in case it gets lost.

- The access settings in the admin panel also apply to the camera pickup. Depending on the access level people can or cannot pickup the camera.

- A **ton** of marshallthon prep that you will all have the chance to experience this weekend!

- Another compression and optimisation pass. Download size is now **69MB(!)** and the world uses way less VRAM.

- Added the Marshall Plushie made by @LiaChiii! Thank you so much for sharing this asset with us!

- Changed the skybox, this is part of some big preparations, more info on that soon.

- Foliage now uses a new foliage shader by Silent (not our silentt), its more efficient and the foliage now also moves slightly.

- Added Dance Studio Dust by @8Spark to the portal system! This world is perfect for recording dance videos, lots of nice visuals here! This is also home to the VR Dance Academy. You can now quickly hop between VRD and Dance Studio Dust

- Tracking calibration balls appear in mirrors again.

- Improved drone visuals.

- Decreased intensity of AudioLink world effects.

- Fixed bug where going through the portal system would not fade the screen to black.

- General UI improvements.

- Fixed a bug where audio would not fade in correctly if video audio was turned off upstairs and you respawned.

- Fixed collision on event rules tablet.

- Updated credits panel, patreon bench, quotes and health warnings.



