
- Added new background mix by @Jazzy Senpai! Thank you @megumi for creating the video!

- @Chatmans fixed some lighting issues.

- @Chatmans added some new community references.

- Fixed event countdowns due to DST.

- Added missing icons to the database.

- Adjusted drone behaviour: it will now only start flying globally if someone is using it to output to desktop. It used to also start flying whenever someone was previewing or watching TV. You will still see it fly locally when you're in front of the director panel as a visual aid to see where you are positioning it but this is not global.

- Fixed visual artifacting on desktop output related to the lines on the dancefloor and some specific avatar setups.

- Fixed a bug where the drone would continue to hover at an incorrect location if the player that was syncing its position left the instance without disabling desktop output.

- Updated posterboard.

- Updated credits panel.

- Updated Patreon bench.

- Added new loadingscreen quotes.

- Updated pictureframes.

- Added new tag for the dancegroup Waveya.

- Updated the DB! We are now at 6609 entries! Shoutout to @ElDarkFrost for adding tons of content from Waveya and to @megumi for keeping all of our existing content/suggestions up-to-date! Thank you @Silentt. for the CDN update!



