
- Improved the default settings of the Director. This is now based on the settings that @Zaccke used for the past few VRD streams.

- Fixed a bug where the mirror would disappear completely when forcefully toggled off by staff, should cause less confusion at events.

- Fixed a bug that would cause some components to log excessively, causing performance issues for people with slow harddrives.

- Optimised a lot of shader setups.

- Reverted to using Unity default shaders in an ongoing effort to resolve issues with bad GPU frametimes.

- Updated posterboard with lots of community references!

- Updated Patreon bench!

- Huge database update! We are now at 6418 entries! We got all choreographies of the game Dance Evolution available in a brand new tag. We also added a new YouTube channel called Zumba France by Alix! Lot's of new content. Huge shoutout again to @megumi for adding all these new entries and staying up-to-date with new releases and suggestions! Thank you @Silentt. for maintaining our CDN!



