
This update tackles another of the most requested features: Audio Normalisation!

@Silentt has been working hard on this with help from Natsumi!

- Added Audio Normalisation!

- The database gets pre-processed, we register how loud a video is and adjust the in-world videoplayer volume accordingly for each video.

- This makes a best effort to make each video equally loud without you needing to constantly adjust your world volume manually.

- Exceptionally loud/quiet videos have been re-encoded and normalised manually.

- This system is on by default but can be toggled off in the options menu, then it will revert to the old behaviour: playing every video as loud as possible

- Celebrate NYE in VRDancing! For each new years celebration in each timezone fireworks will appear after midnight!

- Added posters and banners around the world to announce our 100th session! Design by @Chatmans!

- Added an animation to the logo's on the walls, whenever a song gets played they spin!

- Added a small hologram that appears where the mirror is to indicate to new people that they're about to phase through a one-way mirror.

- Added prevention of the VRC UI laserpointer appearing while on the dancefloor, this issue kept reappearing over the years but now it should definitively be fixed.

- Added a button to instantly clear the search field instead of having to backspace all the way.

- Fixed event countdowns being incorrect.

- Updated Patreon bench.

- Updated credits.

- Lots of back-end CDN maintenance by @Silentt. As a result our CDN servers have been renamed. Canada is now referred to as NA and Finland is referred to as EU.

- Some content was missing on the CDN resulting in a few broken links, this is now fixed.

- DB update! We are now at 8332 entries! Shoutout to @megumi for adding all suggestions and new releases!



