
As our intergalactic dancing venue travels across the nexus our janitor sometimes suddenly disappears. Supposedly to get some supplies or drop off some VRD bathwater. Today they returned with a peculiar airborne device. After some tinkering from staff we have set it up as a camera such that dancers can better show of their moves and transmit their moves across the nexus to their viewers.

- Added a brand new camera system which can be accessed through the new Director Panel!

- Set the position and rotation of up to 6 cameras, all globally synced to everyone.

- Switch between the cameras effecting everyone's camera system output, allow someone else to be your director while you do your dance moves and record locally.

- Output the camera footage to your desktop screen while you are in VR so you can easily record.

- Record your footage at 480p, 720p, 1080p, 1440p, 4K or 8K. This also affects the output quality to the in-world TVs. The default is 720p as has been the default for all TVs in the past.

- Set a timer to automatically transition to the next camera so you don't have to manually switch!

- Lots of customisation of transition between cameras. Do you want an immediate cut, a smooth blend, or a more linear blend?

- Added a drone that flies around displaying where the camera is situated.

- The drone returns to a station when nobody is rendering the camera. (nobody watching the preview, recording or watching TV)

- It can be toggled off.

- A debug visual system displaying the positions of each camera.

- Preview TV for the camera system can be toggled off.

- Lots of optimisation to ensure the camera's are only rendering when it is relevant to minimise performance impact.

- The Director panel readjusts its position based on whether the room is small or large.

- Added a desktop UI overlay system, also accessible through the new Director Panel!

- Display the video progress bar at the top or bottom of your screen on your desktop.

- Display the video title on any corner of the screen.

- Display the camera feed on your desktop screen.

- Added a tooltip that explains to desktop users how to exit the camera mode.

- Launched our two new CDN datacenters! We now have a new CDN in Canada and a CDN in Finland. Huge shoutout to our sysadmin @Silentt. for all of this.

- The default will be our Canada CDN as this has been tested and shown to be the most stable for most people.

- As always, the instance master can pick everyone's default CDN but you can personally locally override what CDN you want and still be in-sync with others.

- Updated UI to more clearly reflect what CDN you are using.

- These servers should be more sustainable as our community coninues to grow and YouTube is starting to become more unreliable within VRC again.

- Added an option to instantly play background music as soon as the video ends as requested by @FustyLugs!

- Added lots of new loadingscreen quotes.

- Added staff peeking through the window next to the bleachers. This used to be for database contributors but has long been outdated, now we are adding our staff team there!

- Updated credits screen.

- Added some new props and community references.

- Updated posterboard.

- Updated pictures.

- The shark evolved again!

Updated the DB! Now at 6164 videos! Thank you @megumi for keeping this up-to-date and processing all community suggestions! Thank you @Silentt. for keeping our CDNs up-to-date!



