
Huge update to the DanceVFX system based on all the feedback I got last week!

This should truly unlock the potential of this system and allow you all to be super creative! Have fun!

- Added AudioLink settings to DanceVFX that can set: brightness, speed, gravity, orb attraction and more based on music intensity.

- Particles fade in and out instead of abruptly appearing/disappearing.

- Added custom presets, you can create your own preset and save it in one of 8 slots. These saveslots are synced over the network.

- When you go into customise mode you now get the values of the selected preset in the sliders so you can modify that preset.

- Negative gravity is now possible.

- Attractor orb mesh can be shown and hidden.

- Attractor orb can be attached to avatars, move right joystick down to detach again.

- Completely reworked how presets work, adding new ones will be easier and less taxing for worldsize.

- Adjusted the scale of each slider to allow for more precise control.

- Adjusted the toggle button so it is more clear whether DanceVFX is on or off.

- Added a help panel that explains some details of DanceVFX.

- Added text that displays which preset was last selected.

- You can now manually switch between standard particles and marshall particles in customise mode. (got more particle ideas? let me know!)

- Fixed an issue where the DanceVFX particles would hide when looking upwards.

- Created a system to make pickups left-handed friendly. The tablets will now switch orientation when picked up with your right hand such that you can more easily interact with the interface with your left hand without crossing your arms. Lefties rejoice!

- Adjusted credits panel.

- Adjusted Patreon posters.

- Fixed WingDing's asset.

- Fixed occlusion culling issues.

Thanks @Viveletta @medlish @Dully Dummy @ReddPanda @SpleT @Silvan for all the feedback!



