
A particular red haired streamer dragged a suspicious individual with them into our VRDancing venue. Heinous acts were performed in our hottub upstairs. We repeat our previous warning, please refrain from entering the hottub until further notice for your own health and safety. A search for this individual has been started, see the poster in the changing room for more details.

- Updated to newest VRC SDK and UdonSharp version. Testing showed some stability improvements but its not perfect.

- Updated QVPen to latest version so it should be easier for others to read what people write. Ty for pointing this out @metaphira!

- Now fixed the nearclip issue camera issue for real. Ty @Felky!

- Made options menu more scalable for additional settings in the future.

- Added setting to disable certain colliders after a heated discussion with @Felky @Kuri @Scolly @Zaccke

- Doors now close correctly during our weekly events.

- Converted more of the database menu to use TMPro (crisper text + better performance)

- @Chatmans updated the world to reflect the visit from a particular streamer :eyes:

- @Chatmans Added another deskchair.

- Clocks and playercount UI now show up on stream cameras.

- Fixed UI navigation bugs specific to desktop users.

- Various performance improvements and fixes as we prepare for Unity 2019.

- File optimisation to reduce download size by a few MBs.

- Updated various picture frames around the world.

- Updated credits.

- Updated Patreon bench.

- Updated Discord invite link to the new https://discord.gg/VRDancing

- HUGE Database update! We are now at 5093(?!) entries :tada: @MidnightEclipse added a lot of FitDanceSWAG, 1MILLION, DJ Raphi and much more! Thanks so much! :heart:



