
In our continued effort to allow dancers from across the world to dance together on our intercontinental dancefloor we have installed (patent pending) timetravel machinery that allows dancers to synchronise their moves with people on the other side of the globe!

- Completely reworked the backend for switching dancefloors & enabling/disabling global props. Now takes full advantage of the udon networking update so its faster, performs better and more secure.

- New setting: player notifications, you can now select to play a sound when someone joins and/or leaves the world (off by default)

- New setting: sync threshold, you can now precisely set how much your client is allowed to lag behind the video owner when playing videos. Fine tune it to work the best for your specific internet connection.

- Net setting: sync offset, allows you to add a delay to your video playback. Useful when you want to record a multiplayer dance with others, you can set the offset such that the others appear to dance in sync with your local video playback.

- Added super jump back by request of@Scolly

- The camera system is now synced for everyone and the currently active camera has an LED turned on.

- More security updates.

- Bugfix: TVs can display videofeed again.

- Bugfix: timer below videoplayer should work.

- Adjusted colliders.

- Delayed for future update: audio occlusion

DB Updates

- DB now scans 24/7 for taken down videos, this should decrease the number of dead links.

- Added unique identifiers to each video in the DB, this will later be used to allow videos to be selected by entering a number.

- Added public views for the database that can be used by streamers for song requests: https://bit.ly/VRDancing

- Added instruction videos (+ new tag) from @DustBunny!

- Big thanks to @Chatmans#3355 and @MidnightEclipsefor keeping our DB up-to-date this week!

- Now at 4661 videos!



