Now that the VRDancing building became open to the public, we were required to make some safety precautions after reports of suspicious activity. Luckily, PikA-SEC offered us quality service and security systems were installed throughout the building. With our new state-of-the-art monitoring system we can be sure that any lewd activities can be dealt with in an efficient manner and that our wholesomeness can be safeguarded.
Unfortunately these required measures caused some delays in unpacking all of our equipment upstairs. The moving boxes have yet to be opened and the water in the kiddie pool hot tub has yet to be changed since our grand opening. For your own safety please refrain from entering the hot tub, it contains dangerously high concentrations of dancer sweat. Warnings have been placed around the hot tub, this situation will be resolved at a later date.
- Added AudioLink support!
- Added a security camera system behind the desk.
- Added access control to the database to prevent trolls from playing videos, accessible by instance master and VRDancing staff.
- Database is now only accessible to VR users by default.
- Made the world more streamer-proof. It is now impossible to get occlusion glitches in the dancefloor mirror that can render people naked.
- Added a panel that warns people that *Recording Mode* needs to be enabled when they set up their camera behind the dancefloor mirror.
- Added an option in the settings to (partially) disable AudioLink.
- Added an option in the settings to make physical buttons clickable instead of using colliders.
- Updated VRC SDK and UdonSharp versions, the new updates should improve overall performance.
- @Chatmans improved the desk area!
- @Chatmans added security cameras throughout the world.
- @Chatmans fixed broken mesh for the moving boxes.
- @Chatmans added some warnings near the pool.
- Improved physical button stability.
- Removed one of the mirrors upstairs.
- Session countdown now shows that the SweatSession is in progress instead of glitching out.
- Improved performance upstairs.
- Updated Patreon bench.
- Added missing tag filters for Urban Dance Camp, World Of Dance and World Order.
- Implemented a tool that scans through the database to fix all broken links.
- Implemented a limited database view that can be used for discord/twitch integration with our database.
- Updated the DB, includes updates from all tracked youtube channels, lots of tutorials from MihranTV, lots of videos from 1MILLION and FitDance, and the remaining Kinect Star Wars videos.