Marshallthon 2022

Wow… Marshallthon 2022 ended, and the results are absolutely incredible.

Last year our goal was $500 and we reached $4,625.00, which was insane.

This year, with 27 hours of non-stop dancing we aimed for $5,000.00. This expectation was completely blown out of the water. We managed to raise $13,500.00 for The Trevor Project!!

Huge shoutout to everyone in the VRDancing community that donated, danced, promoted and organised! Together we managed to collect an insane amount of money for The Trevor Project, becoming one of the biggest VRChat charity events to date.

The VRD Team is completely overwhelmed with the generosity of the community and the vibes on the dancefloor were amazing.

During this Marshall Marathon we danced to every choreography ever created by The Fitness Marshall from A to Z. This was done in shifts of 2 hours with people on the dancefloor at all times.

To incentivise donations we had a series of effects that would trigger in the world for specific donation amounts. Donators could set the dancefloor on fire, spawn flying Fitness Marshalls, randomise everyone’s position on the dancefloor and much more! Most notably the dancers could be consumed by giant Fitness Marshall heads for really big donations..

Before the Marshallthon there was already a ton of hype in the VRDancing community, a lot of people look forward to this main event. A series of interviews was done to see how people were feeling about the marathon!

Furthermore, all footage from the Marshallthon 2022 can be found here!

Including more documentation throughout the event:

See you all at Marshallthon 2023! ❤


Event Restructure & Workout Sessions


VRDancing at VKet Summer 2022